Friday, April 13, 2012

Two small trips: Wombats, Chestnuts, and The Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin

Despite the many good things about Melbourne, we found ourselves itching to get out of the city recently. This led to a couple trips.

To Wombat State Forest (and back again)

Naomi had an extra day off for the Easter weekend (which is a bigger deal here than in the US). We rented a couple motorcycles, and explored some of the Outback:

No, not really.

What we actually did: Weeks ahead of time, we spent hours researching parks that looked low-key and not likely to be crowded, reserved a cabin, and rented an economy sized hatchback Nissan from a place we've used a few times before. Driving slightly under the speed limit on well-marked roads, we made our way to our destination in a couple of hours:

Wombat State Forest, we found, was indeed nice and low-key. It's a community-run forest, which means that it doesn't really have maintained trails or signs to scenic look-outs. One just pokes along and finds what one finds.

We found:
A cool bridge.

Some pretty trees (not growing wild, but still nice).

A few nice streams. The area, apparently, has 80% of Australia's mineral springs (eat that, New South Wales!). The ones we saw mostly looked like trickles of rusty water, so we didn't photograph any of them. But this pond was very pleasant.

We spent the night at a cute cabin on a former farm, right on the edge of the forest. It was cold (by Australian standards), and a bit rainy. The rain gave us a gorgeous sunset:

And the cold gave Colin an excuse to play with the fireplace:

Not only did he get to play with keeping the fire going, but we also got to roast some chestnuts that we bought from along the road on the way in. Chestnuts aren't normally that exciting, but they hit the spot:

Warmed up by the fire, we poked our heads outside:

On our way back to Melbourne the next day, we made a couple small stops. One stop to take in a bit more of WSF (as those in the know call it):

And another stop to stretch our legs near Werribbee Gorge:

Did we see any wombats at any of these places?

No, sadly. Depending on what one counts as 'close to seeing a wombat,' the closest we came to seeing a wombat was either:
seeing a wallaby crossing the road (click on the picture for a larger view),

or else:
seeing a wombat-shaped sign for the town of Blackwood. Yes, we did take a quick look around Blackwood, but it appeared to contain no wombats.


Our other recent adventure, a couple weekends ago, was a day trip led by our friends Susan and Sym (of Thanksgiving vegetarian turkey fame). We went on a bike ride to Williamstown, just across the bay from Melbourne.

The town itself is cute, and has a good view of the city across the water:

The most exciting bit, though, was getting to see the
Steve Irwin, which is part of the Sea Shepherd fleet. It docks at Melbourne during the winter, since whaling happens only in the (southern hemisphere's) summer.

Here is Naomi almost escaping the picture Colin was taking, with the Irwin in the background:

Good times.

Our next adventure will be to Canberra. Stay tuned...

Oh, and for Northern Hemisphere residents who felt envious over the past few months at our sunny pictures: we've acclimated now, so that the Australian autumn is feeling cold to us (even though it's been in the 60's-70's (F)). So when winter hits, the weather envy will go the opposite direction. As Schopenhauer claimed, justice is always done...

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